Find guidance that’s already within you.

Through an intention that you set or we set together before your session, my voice will guide you into a deeply relaxed and meditative state to seek answers from a subconscious, soul memory level. This is a safe space for you to explore. This service can be done successfully from the comfort of your home over video chat. A quiet, calm space is required. Please email me if you’d like to meet in-person for this service. Want to learn more? Check out the FAQ section below!

I am a certified Past-Life Regressionist, trained by a practitioner who was trained on this process directly from Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters. Check out his book by clicking here.

Past-Life Regression FAQs:

*What is past-life regression? It’s an experiential process where you can rework dynamics from past lives with new perspective and/or gain clarity and guidance through your own intuition. We begin with an intention of your choice, and while in a deeply relaxed yet aware state that’s reached through hypnosis, my voice guides you to discover the answers to your intention. 

*What does the hypnosis process feel like? It feels like a guided meditation where the end goal is to be deeply relaxed. This process feels very natural. I will guide you through a meditation that involves a very relaxing manner of breathing, which activates both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The breath is the bridge to the deeper aspects of the mind, which is why it is so important to focus on it during meditation. 

*Am I guaranteed to experience a past-life?

No, it is not guaranteed. Every person and their experience with past-life work is different. Much of it weighs on your ability to meditate and relax, in addition to your subconsciousness’s willingness to open up and let you revisit these experiences. Some of us are more subconsciously resistant than others. This is not a bad thing. We’re all different and are starting from different places. Even those who are subconsciously resistant on their first try often still get glimpses into past lives, receive meaningful information related to their current life and/or get to connect with their intuition on a deeper level. Many times it’s difficult to know if you will be resistant until you try. And the more past-life regressions you engage in, the easier it becomes to drop into a past-life experience.

*Will I be able to heal everything in one session?

Most likely not. Again, every person’s experience is different. I find several Regression experiences to be most helpful. The more Regressions you experience, the easier the process tends to become. Many clients walk away after one session with significant clarity and understanding they did not previously have, but many prefer taking several sessions to explore and better understand their past-life experiences and dynamics that are still affecting them.

*Why do we do regression hypnosis? The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind, but we typically can only reach it when we sleep. Once we wake, our dreams and their messages are forgotten or lost. Because Regression is experiential, you get to find the answers for yourself with an awake mind, as opposed to someone else telling you or trying to remember all the details of a dream. 

What types of intentions or questions should I ask during my regression? Intentions can vary from exploring difficult interpersonal relationships or wanting to find deeper understanding of yourself, to curiosity around fears and phobias, to deeper meanings of dreams or experiences that have felt meaningful or can be general, like, “What do my guides want me to know right now about my soul’s purpose?” *Past-Life Regression is not intended to replace traditional therapy. It works well in conjunction with therapy. Please note that I am not a therapist or licensed mental health professional.

*How will I know I’m hypnotized? Common thoughts during this process are, “am I really hypnotized?” “Am I doing this right?” “Am I just making this up?” You’re encouraged to have a playful mind and just go with whatever comes up. Our logical brain does not allow us to access our subconscious. It wants firm, concrete answers, which is why past-life regression requires us to use our creative brain. Coupled with hypnosis, our creative brain allows us to access our subconscious, where past-life memories are stored. Because we must use our creative brain in this process, at times it can feel like you’re “making it up.” The imagination is the bridge to your psychic ability. If you are able to focus on my voice during the guided meditation to a place of deep relaxation, you are hypnotized.

*Will I lose control and my autonomy while hypnotized? No. The hypnotic method I use is called “collaborative hypnosis.” You will remain in total control of yourself and be able to speak at any time. You will be awake enough to disagree, explain what you’re seeing or feeling, wipe away tears, scratch an itch, ask for a blanket, etc. You will always have choices during this process, including that you’re ready to end the session. 

*Can I get stuck in a past life? No. No one has ever “gotten stuck” in a past life. It’s just like a memory. When you remember something like a birthday party, you don’t get stuck there. You just recall what happened that day, what it felt like, what was impactful about it, etc. That’s exactly what happens in Past-Life Regression.

*What if it doesn’t work? 80% of the population is hypnotizable (with an additional 10% being very hypnotizable). I trust this process and that what needs to happen will. The best way to maximize results is to try and relax as much as possible and keep an open mind. Here’s a helpful way to know if you are a good candidate for regression:

Close your eyes, and imagine an elephant. Now imagine a pink elephant. If you can do this, you are a good candidate for regression. If you struggle imagining this, that’s ok. Can you imagine what it might feel like to be in a cold, dark room or on a sunny mountaintop? If so, this also makes you a good candidate for regression. If these two things are a challenge for you, that’s ok. It doesn’t mean that you can’t be regressed. Contact me for further exercises to see if we can get you there. 

*How does Past-Life Regression work over video chat? The most important thing in hypnosis is that you feel comfortable and safe. You will find a comfortable, quiet place that has zero or very minimal interruptions or distractions in your home or another place you feel safe before our session begins, then use earbuds or headphones during our session so that you can control the volume and drown out any background noise. The best part is you don’t have to get in a car and drive home after your session! 

*Can I record my session, or will I remember all of it? You are welcome and encouraged to record your session. Smart phones have apps available for recording. You will remember this experience, will be speaking aloud and given suggestions to remember throughout. But recording is a sure way to know that you will be able to go back and recall anything you may not remember right away. 

*What else should I bring to my session? It’s a good idea to bring water with you to a session. Many people want some water once they complete their experience. Wearing comfortable clothing and socks (in colder months) is also recommended.

*How will I feel after being hypnotized? People usually wake up from hypnosis feeling like they just woke up from a dream. It is recommended that after your Past-Life Regression you reserve alone time to ponder your experience, maybe journal; it is not recommended to return back to work or to immediately attend a social gathering. 

*Is there anyone who isn’t a good candidate for hypnosis? People who suffer from major depressive disorder or a dissociative disorder may have a difficult time becoming hypnotized and reaching subconscious memories. Anyone who feels unsure about their ability to become hypnotized is encouraged to use the Contact page to connect with me on this concern. We may be able to find ways to tailor the experience to work for you!

Other things worth mentioning:

*Much of past-life regression work can be thought of like this: If you injure your knee and go to the doctor, the doctor doesn’t look at the uninjured knee. She looks at the injured knee. Like that, this process draws you towards what needs healing, not what is already healthy.

*Remember that this is soul-driven work. What needs to happen will. I am only the facilitator for you in this process and only have the interest to get you to your destination, like a path with no signs to follow, just available for you to travel on in the direction you desire. This entire process is about you.

*Because my voice will be key in guiding you through your Regression, you can check out my YouTube Channel here for sound samples to see if my voice resonates positively with you.

*Practicing the guided meditations I email to you before your appointment will increase your chances of having a successful regression.

*If you don’t meditate regularly, practicing guided meditation before we meet will significantly increase your chances of having a successful regression.

*Arriving to your appointment as relaxed and balanced as you can will also positively impact your experience. We will keep our conversation at the beginning of your appointment solely on the topic of your Regression so that you have an easier time relaxing into your experience.

*I’m happy to answer any questions that weren’t answered here. Contact me! 




This service typically takes 2 hours. It is recommended you have time to integrate, journal or generally remain calm and peaceful afterwards.

*In-person only upon request due to COVID-19 cases rising. I cannot guarantee this but will do my best to accommodate your wishes. Please visit the Contact page to request an in-person appointment.